Replacement of Alert Alarm System With Comprehensive Maintenance For A Period Of 6 Years To 5 Blocks Of Flats At Taman Jurong, Jurong Central, Jurong Spring Divisions And Bukit Batok Constituency For Jurong-Clementi Town Council

Tender Reference: T011/24/Min Wei S/N Name of Tenderer Main Offer ($) Alternative Offer ($) 1 ISPL Pte Ltd  $999,584.00 $649,584.00 2 CA M&E Engineering Pte Ltd  $1,216,512.00 – 3 IPS Securex Pte Ltd  $1,222,393.60 –  Successful Tenderer: ISPL Pte...

Term Contract For Enforcement Works To Shop Front Display, Illegal Parking And The Provision Of Security Services On Common Properties For Jurong-Clementi Town Council For The Period Of 1 June 2024 To 31 May 2027

Tender Reference: T007/24/Elicia S/N Name of Tenderer Amount ($) Remarks 1 RSI Security Services Pte Ltd $239,400.00   2 Pedro Investigations $413,910.00   3 Wilson Parking (Singapore) PL $440,501.40   4 Concorde Security Pte Ltd  $1,024,117.00    Successful Tender:...