Collective MOU on Bicycle-Sharing

Collective MOU on Bicycle-Sharing

With permission from LTA, 5 October 2017 The Land Transport Authority (LTA), National Parks Board (NParks) and 16 Town Councils (TCs) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the five bicycle-sharing operators in Singapore to encourage responsible...
Collective MOU on Bicycle-Sharing

Best Cleaners’ Award 2017

Hello residents! Our annual Best Cleaners’ Award is back! Have you always wanted to commend a cleaner, or felt like he/she deserves a recognition?If so, share with us by nominating the cleaner with our Nomination Form! Let’s encouage and recognise the...
Collective MOU on Bicycle-Sharing

Advance Booking of Facilities

With effect from 8 June 2016, all bookings of common facilities (void decks, pavilions, multi-purpose hall etc) is available 6 months in advance. All bookings are on first-come-first-serve basis. Please note that the Town Council reserves the right to offer...